sound design
skype heartbreak show is about how technology doesn't solve problems. our ability to store any single aspect of our live, and of our lives as related to each other, sometimes makes us believe that there only is one version of what happened -and that it is stored as bytes on a hard drive, somewhere. and yet, the more we look at this electronically carved data, the signal loses its meaning in the middle of the noise. technology doesn't bring us any closer to truth, but leaves us precisely where we were.
the way it works is the following. two computers are connected to two computers, themselves connected through ethernet. monitors are facing away from each other. on one monitor is a skype window with the boy's video, and on the other side is the girl. two kinects are set up on top of the monitors. the kinects track the distance of the audience from each monitor and maps it to the emotional distance of the protagonists. the farther you stand on one side, the more disinterested the girl would act. the closer you stand from the boy's monitor, the more involved in his relationship he will be. in any case, they break up, but the question that always remain is 'how did that happen?'.
i also made a twitter bot with the help of Ansh Patel. it takes the top hits of programming website stack overflow and replaces some words with human concepts. it makes for some nice surprise.