my name is pierre and i write natural and machine languages.
i study software, how it represents the world and how it redistributes agency to its environment, with a focus on source code, programming languages and protocols as mediating forces in human discursive interactions. if you're looking for examples, you can find publications in open access.
i wrote a phd on the role of aesthetics in understanding source code , focusing on how formal presentation affects cognition in digital environments, how programmers make sense of the software they write, and what beauty has to do with function.
the courses i teach span across interactive media, digital sociology and media studies; you can find them over at cosyll, a platform I created.
i also write various kinds of software, sometimes for money, always for fun.
here, you could come across both the brainiest thing i've worked on, the silliest, and perhaps the nightly.
what crimes, wars, murders, what miseries and horrors would not have saved the human race who, pulling up the stakes or filled in the ditch, had shouted to his fellows: "beware of listening to this imposter, you are lost if you forget that the fruits belong to all and that the earth belongs to no one!"
- | hype studies, a research platform to disentangle the implications of hype.
- | cosyll, a platform for sharing higher education class materials.
- | dial radio, a worldwide playlist broadcasting station.
- | tldr.science, making research short and sweet.
- | kanapé, a creative collective of friends.
- | carnet, some loose notes.
- | enframed, miscelleaneous webpages.